Mar 29, 2009

march 28, 2009

this past week has been unreal. time just seems to fly by faster and faster lately, its almost scary. im just hanging on for the ride. weve been working on our taxes and doing so really puts me in a fowl mood. my "to do" list has accumulated: i have heaps of laundry to be done, a solid few hours of packing, ebay shots to be taken, friends to hang with, dogs to wash, a house to clean, 40+ packages to ship, check lists to be checked (for bamboozle) while all i can do is sit here robotically punching numbers into a computer [when all of this is running rampant through my brain]. not to mention i have 3.5 days to do all of this in before i fly back to california. its sort of like torture.

i cannot wait to escape the dungeon. ive been such a sleeze in the past week! its been all about no makeup, nesty hair and oversized tees.

in other news, i purchased something. the first "thing" in a very long time. see "things" are items you dont need or inatimate objects you can do without. i made a little extra money this past week via ebay so with amandas discount i wound up with this little prize!


..and it felt like christmas.

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