Oct 21, 2008

current state of mind.

i miss:
-three dogs.
-angela bane (just read her blog and im not gonna lie... it made me a little teary eyed).
-dave flores.
-melissa dowd.
-ashley saller.
-my family.
-being able to just drive to a handful of awesome malls.
-being spread so thin it felt kinda good at times.
-being crazy stressed... i know so weird.

i am, however, in love with:
-my current situation!
-working out!
-yard sale'ing.
-the post man bringing me ebay treasures every day.

and now for a few photos:

my art deco vanity found at "antiques by..." in waimea, hi. $100.

the bench to my vanity which i reupholstered yesterday! chyeaaa! =)

my booger boy... even though he keeps running into the screen door after he pottys. :-/

okay byebye.

1 comment:

Angi said...

I love you Kali Erin!! and miss you like crazy