Jul 5, 2009

deer tick at spaceland.

if you havent listened to deer tick yet - you totally should. with their inspiration stemming from the likes of tom petty i doubt you could call their show a "bad time." they had such awesome energy (and drinking habits that put anyone i know to shame). not to mention an impromptu instrument chinese fire drill they pulled off with amazing grace - their skills are pretty insane. they played at spaceland last night which only brought back great memories from when we lived in silverlake. karissa and i made the trip out to the good ol city of angels thus making our 4th an awesome one.

los angeles.
los angeles.los angeles.
los angeles.

also, FYI to those of you that havent made it to a show at spaceland they have the cheapest (LARGEST) mugs of stella in town + the best bathroom door artwork. cha chingggg!

los angeles.los angeles.

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