Jul 3, 2009

box eight/shake the dust.

on thursday i went to dave and neils show at box eight. it was an awesome night and the group was sooo posi. i think we all left with sore jaws from laughing so hard. i managed to say numerous things that ended up sounding so stoops the next morning. my personal fave, " neil, phil... how awesome would it be if you had a SECOND sister named kali?!"

los angeles.
los angeles.
los angeles.los angeles.
los angeles.
los angeles.
ohhh otis.

the trip was polished off with an early morning trip to swingers. i forgot about their "hardcore soy shake" but was uber haps to chug one down in about 2 minutes flat. since then ive been making my own versions at home - you should try it out!

"swingers hardcore soy shake"
-4 ice cubes
-1/2 cup soy milk
-a spoonful of peanut butter
-half of a banana
-a good squirt of chocolate syrup

blend away and enjoy a SERIOUSLY yummy treat that is way lower in calories than your average shake.



valerie renée said...

no joke about that soy shake. you chugged. impressive. =]

k. said...

haha, what can i say? i needed to wet my whistle. hanging with you was kinda awesome. i want round 2!